2019-2021 Anonymous Public Records Audit - San Francisco Appeals:
Last updated 6/17/2021
2. SF Sunshine Ordinance Task Force Complaint (can find violations of the law, or deem a record public even if Sup. of Records does not, via a public hearing with evidence from both sides)1. SF Supervisor of Records Petition (City's own attorney, first line of appeal)
Respondent AgencyInternal Req. #LinkPublic Records Requested / Issue / Petition / TheoryCase#Final
Status (Issued Order Link)En Banc Hearing (Agenda link)Final Ruling (Minutes Link)Committee Date (Agenda Link)Committee: Jurisdiction / Are Records Public (Minutes link) Petition SentResponse Recv.
(due 10 days)
Petition Determination (Link to City Attorney's Response)
City Attorney72056L[Win: Email headers must be provided with minimal redaction; justifications for redacting headers must be provided.] Email, with metadata and headers, and in native formats-19044Win; City Attorney Complied on 2021-01-25Win; Order 19044 Issued2019-10-027-0 Initially Referred to Technology Committee for city-wide metadata recommendations2019-08-20Win - 3-0 Records are public2019-05-082019-08-26Denied
City Attorney72056L(see above) Email headers must be disclosed (except those explicitly exempt)-19044See aboveSee above2020-01-21Win - 7-0 The Office of City Attorney violated SFAC 67.21(B), 67.26, and 67.27
City Attorney72056LAlleging official misconduct and willful failure to comply with the Sunshine Ordinance for failing to comply with SOTF 19044. Herrera produced the email headers as of 2021-01-25.-19044See above 2021-01-26Compliance Monitoring Closed
Mayor72902L[Win: Calendars in ICS form are easily generated and must be provided if requested; individual calendar entries and the Mayor's internal non-Prop G calendar must be provided or justified.] - Disclose all of the Mayor's Calendars (including an unofficial, internal calendar), in native format, with metadata; Calendar records that exceed the SFAC 67.29-5 requirements are also public records .-19047Win; Mayor Complied on 2021-02-16Win; Order 19047 Issued2019-10-02Win - 7-0 Mayor London Breed, Hank Heckel, and Office of Mayor violated SFAC 67.21, 67.26, and 67.272019-08-20Win - 3-0 Records are public2019-05-152019-08-26Denied
Mayor72902LAlleging official misconduct and willful failure to comply with the Sunshine Ordinance for failing to comply with SOTF 19047. Mayor agreed in writing to comply.-19047See above2021-01-26Continued to March 2021
Mayor72902L(see above) Calendar records that exceed the Prop G/67.29-5 requirements are also public records-19047See aboveSee above2019-08-272019-09-06Closed, refused to provide determination
City Attorney72902LSupervisor of Records must respond in 10 days per SFAC 67.21(d) (petition in Req 72902 / SOTF 19047)-19089LossLoss2019-12-04Loss 6-1 - No violation2019-09-24Win - 3-0 Records are public
Mayor76434L[Win: Mayor's Office did eventually produce email attachments, but did so in an untimely fashion.] Disclose Mayor staff email, text messages, and chat, [in native format, with metadata - 20006]; Including personal devices and accounts-19091Win; Order 19091 IssuedWin; Order 19091 Issued2020-02-05Win - 6-1 The Office of Mayor violated SFAC 67.21(B)2019-10-15Win - 2-0 Records are public (divided metadata to 20006)2019-08-262019-09-05No disposition; refused to provide determination
Mayor76434L(see above) Attachments and more in emails must be disclosed-19091See aboveSee above2019-09-102019-10-10Denied
Mayor76434L(see above) Mayor's Office did not comply with Sept 5 Sup of Records response and justify their redactions.-19091See aboveSee above2020-01-152020-01-17No disposition; refused to provide determination
Mayor76434L(see above) Various specific redactions challenged-190912020-01-242020-03-10Denied
Mayor76434L(see above) Various specific redactions challenged-190912020-01-242020-07-31Denied
Public Works79356L[Win: DPW ordered to provide all email header data in 60 days, and hyperlink URLs, images, and email addresses are also disclosable in "normal" requests.] Disclose Email, in native format, with metadata, incl. personal devices/accounts.-19097Win; DPW did Comply with Order.Win; Order 19097 Issued2020-01-06Win - 7-0 Public Works, Nuru, Spitz violated SFAC 67.26 and were ordered to disclose headers.2020-10-20Win 3-0 Records are public2019-09-062019-10-01Denied
Police Department76435L[Win: SFPD must search for all communications about the conduct of public business on personal devices. SFPD must produce To/From info for text messages, and headers for email. SFPD must not print and scan electronic records - that does not constitute a copy. SFPD must key by footnote or clear reference justifications for redactions.] Use of secret/personal chat apps for public business; Disclose email, SMS, and chat, in native format, with metadata; incl. personal devices and accounts-19098Win; Order 19098 IssuedWin; Order 19098 Issued2020-10-07Win - 7-0 SFPD violated SF Admin Code 67.21(b) and (k) and 67.26 (on 2 counts)2020-09-15Win 3-0 Records are public2019-09-132019-11-12Denied
Police Department76435LSubsequent 67.21(d) petition-19098See aboveSee above2019-11-13WithdrawnWithdrawn
Police Department76435LSubsequent 67.21(d) petition-19098See aboveSee above2020-10-11none
Mayor81242L[Win: Future Mayor meetings must be disclosed in a redacted form.] GC 6254(f) is not a valid exemption for the entirety of the Mayor's future calendar.-19103Win; Order 19103 IssuedWin; Order 19103 Issued2020-12-02Win 7-0 Breed, Heckel, and the Office violated 67.26 and 67.27.2019-11-26Win 3-0 Records are public2019-10-072019-10-23Denied, but overruled by Herrera 2021-03-09 ruling
Mayor81242LTimes Mirror is not valid exemption for all info about Mayor's future calendars since Times Mirror explicitly relies on GC 6255 (public-interest balancing test).-19103See aboveSee above2019-11-292020-01-06Denied with same letter - overruled below
Mayor81242L[Win: Supervisor of records deemed future calendars disclosable.] Herrera overruled his prior petition response-19103Win; Determined disclosable2021-02-122021-03-09Determined disclosable
----City-wide metadata recommendations: Metadata is a public record, cannot be exempted due to burden of retrieval/redaction, and must be treated under standard Sunshine law and justified when redacted (This is a general hearing without parties)-19105Recommend: metadata is public and non-exemptRecommend: metadata is public and non-exemptN/AN/A2019-12-173-0 Recommend: Metadata must be treated like all other public information
City Attorney81411L[Win: City Attorney must record meeting places and issues (if not recorded publicly) in the calendar] Failure to maintain Prop G calendar; disclose times, places, recurrences-19108Win; Order 19108 IssuedWin; Order 19108 Issued2020-02-05Win - 7-0 City Attorney Dennis Herrera violated SFAC 67.29-52019-11-26Win 3-0 Records are public2019-10-152019-11-19Denied
City Attorney81411LFuture and past calendar meetings-19108See above2019-10-152019-11-19Denied, but overruled by Herrera 2021-03-09 ruling
City Attorney81411L[Win: Supervisor of records deemed future calendars disclosable.] Future calendars must be disclosed with minimal redactions-19108Win; Determined disclosable2021-02-122021-03-09Determined disclosable
Police Department81412L[Win: Chief Scott's Future and non-Prop G calendars must be provided with minimal redactions. Prop G is not a lawful exemption] Future and past calendar meetings withheld; failure to maintain Prop G calendar (see 2:35:17, 2:36:05)-19112Win; Order 19112 IssuedWin; Order 19112 Issued2020-09-02Win - 7-0 SFPD, Chief William Scott, and Lt. R Andrew Cox violated SFAC 67.25, 67.26, 67.272019-12-17Win 3-0 Records are public2019-10-232019-11-26Denied, but overruled by Herrera 2021-03-09 ruling
Police Department81412L[Win: Chief Scott referred to Ethics Commission for willful failure to comply.] Alleging official misconduct and willful failure to comply with the Sunshine Ordinance for failing to comply with SOTF 19112.-19112Win; Ethics Referral pendingWin; Ethics Referral pending2020-10-07Win - 7-0 Chief William Scott willfully failed to comply, and was referred to Ethics Commission.2020-09-22Win 3-0 Recommend a finding of willful violation to full SOTF2021-02-212021-03-09Determined disclosable
Police Department81412LSpecific redactions in Chief calendar-19112See above2019-11-282020-08-08No disposition; refused to provide determination
Dept of Technology87729L[Win: DT found in violation for providing email headers and calendar ICS data in an untimely manner. DT did disclose or agreed in writing to disclose all requested metadata.] Email and calendar metadata for CIO and CISO.-19119Win; DT did comply with orderWin; Order 19119 Issued2020-01-06Win - 7-0 DT violated SFAC 67.21(b)2020-09-22Win 3-0 Records are public2020-10-09none
Dept of Technology87729LEmail and calendar metadata for CIO and CISO-19119See above2020-10-11none
City Attorney80695L[Win: CAO must provide keys for all redactions and justify withholding in response to requests, not after complaints are filed.] Adachi-Carmody Incident - Police raid on Journalist - Shield Law -All emails, chats, text messages, and on private property, in electronic format and with metadata-19120Win; Order 19120 IssuedWin; Order 19120 Issued2020-01-06Win - 7-0 City Attorney's Office violated SFAC 67.26 and 67.272020-09-15Win 3-0 Records are public2019-11-132019-12-12Denied
Police Commission80239L[Win: Commission must key all redactions, justify all withholdings, and provide copies of email originals, not forwards of emails.] Adachi-Carmody Incident - Police raid on Journalist - Shield Law -All emails, chats, text messages, and on private property, in electronic format and with metadata-19121Win; Order 19121 IssuedWin; Order 19121 Issued2020-01-06Win - 7-0 Police Commission violated SFAC 67.21(b), 67.26 (2 counts), and 67.272020-09-22Win 3-0 Records are public2019-11-092019-12-17Denied
Police Department81227L[Win: SFPD must key redactions in SB 1421 records to justifications.] SB 1421 Jan. 1 thru Oct 4. Pending: SFPD agreed in writing to provide redaction and withholding justifications and has now started doing so in SB 1421 requests.-19124Win; Order 19124 IssuedWin; Order 19124 Issued2021-04-07Win - 11-0 Violation of Admin Code 67.262020-12-22Win 3-0 Records are public2019-11-262020-08-06Mixed determination (some parts deemed 'not private')
Police Department81227LSubsequent 67.21(d) petition-19124See above2020-08-062020-02-03Denied
Police Department84031L[Win: SFPD ordered to produce the email thread; not justifying withholding in writing and asking me to go to the FBI was unlawful] SFPD Sgt. Rodriguez's emails stored on RCFL/FBI accounts re: forensic analysis of journalist Bryan Carmody (raided by SFPD/FBI) are SFPD's public records and must be disclosed-19128Win; Order 19128 IssuedWin; Order 19128 Issued2020-01-06Win - 6-1 SFPD, Sgt. Rodriguez, Sgt. Andraychak, Chief Scott violated SFAC 67.26 and 67.27 and were ordered to produce the emails2020-10-20Win 3-0 Records are public
Treasurer/Tax Collector84162L[Win: TTX must provide future meeting with the Mayor; email header metadata; calendar ICS metadata; and exact electronic copies with hyperlinks and email addresses.] Calendar/Email Multi-Agency IDR-19131Win; Pending OrderWin; Pending Order2021-03-03Win 10-1 - Jose Cisneros, Theresa Buckley, and TTX violated 67.26 (on 3 counts) and 67.212020-11-24Win 3-0 Records are public
City Hall84166L[Win: A wait of almost 1 year to respond to an IDR was illegal. Not staffing public records is no excuse.] No IDR response whatsoever (combined into 19136). -19134Win; Order 19134 IssuedWin; Order 19134 Issued2021-03-03Win 11-0 - Rob Reiter and City Hall Building Management violated 67.252020-11-17Win 3-0 Records are public
City Admin84182L[Win: A wait of almost 1 year to respond to an IDR was illegal. Not staffing public records is no excuse.] No IDR response whatsoever (combined into 19134). -19136Win; Order 19136 IssuedWin; Order 19136 Issued2021-03-03Win 11-0 - Naomi Kelly, Office of the City Administrator violated 67.252020-11-17Win 3-0 Records are public
Dept of Police Accountability83876L[Win: DPA must justify all withholding/redactions in SB 1421 records and Penal Code 832.7(b)(6) is an impermissible balancing test] DPA refuses to justify its redactions with footnote or clear reference, or sometimes, at all. DPA claims a right to use the public-interest balancing test, which is prohibited. SB 1421 police conduct records, unjustified redactions #0168-01.-19144Win; Pending OrderWin; Pending Order2021-05-05Win 10-1 - DPA violated SFAC 67.26, 67.67, 67.24(i), Gov Code 6253(d)2020-12-22Win 3-0 Records are public2019-12-182020-01-24Denied
Dept of Police Accountability83876LSB 1421 police conduct records, unjustified redactions #0441-12-19144See above2019-12-232020-01-24Denied
Dept of Police Accountability83876LSB 1421 police conduct records, unjustified redactions #40-15-19144See above2020-01-272020-02-07Denied
Dept of Police Accountability83876L[Win: DPA signed agreement to produce audio records for all SB 1421 police misconduct records.]-19144Govt. Consent Letter2020-12-22none
Mayor76434L[Win: Mayor's Office agreed to retain and produce WhatsApp records, including attachments] Jeff Cretan personal WhatsApp public records with attachments were not produced due to purported infeasability -20002Govt. Consent LetterWithdrawn due to consent letter2020-01-04WithdrawnWithdrawn
Mayor76434L[Win: Mayor's Office signed agreement to disclose emails in exact copies and with header metadata to everyone who wants it.]-20006Govt. Consent LetterWithdrawn due to consent letter2019-08-262019-09-05No disposition; refused to provide determination
City Attorney81411L[Win: City Attorney's office agreed to record location and issues going forward] Prop G calendars for Jan, Mar, Nov 2019 lack locations and start/end times-20007Govt Agreed to Comply; See also SOTF 19108Withdrawn due to consent letter
City Attorney81411L[Win: City Attorney's office agreed to record location and issues going forward] Prop G calendars for Jan, Mar, Nov 2019 lack locations and start/end times-20007Govt Agreed to Comply; See also SOTF 19108Withdrawn due to consent letter
Mayor82814LProp G calendars lack a general statement of issues discussed at meeting-20033Win; Pending OrderWin; Pending Order2021-06-02Win 9-1 - Breed and her Office violated 67.29-52020-12-15Win 3-0 Records are Public
Police Department84740L[Win: SFPD relented and disclosed the "FBI SF Violent Gang Safe Streets Task Force" MoU which it previously attempted to withhold]-20039Govt. Consent LetterWithdrawn due to consent letter2020-02-14WithdrawnWithdrawn
Status of Women84497L[Win: Emily Murase agreed to record meeting issues going forward and correct prior records] Prop G calendars lack a general statement of issues discussed at meeting-20043Govt. Consent LetterWithdrawn due to consent letter
Police Commission88550L[Win: Use of Penal Code 832.7(b)(6) in SB 1421 records is an impermissible balancing test.] Must release SB 1421 & Becerra v Superior Court records re: closed sessions and cannot use Penal Code 832.7(b)(6)-20066Win; Order 20066 IssuedWin; Order 20066 Issued2021-04-07Win - 11-0 Violation of Admin Code 67.24(i)2020-12-22Win 3-0 Records are public2020-03-122020-11-04Denied
Police Commission88550LMust release SB 1421 & Becerra v Superior Court records re: closed sessions and cannot use Penal Code 832.7(b)(6)-20066See above2020-11-042021-01-05
Mayor101880L[Win: Supervisor of records deemed future calendars disclosable.] Future calendars must be disclosed with minimal redactions-20113Win; Determined disclosable2020-10-012021-03-09Determined disclosable
City Attorney101881L[Win: Supervisor of records deemed future calendars disclosable.] Future calendars must be disclosed with minimal redactions-20114Win; Determined disclosable2020-10-012021-03-09Determined disclosable
Police Department101873L[Win: Supervisor of records deemed future calendars disclosable.] Chief's Scott future calendars-SupWin; Determined disclosable2020-09-162021-03-09Determined disclosable
Sheriff84168L[Win: Supervisor of records deemed future calendars disclosable.] Future calendars must be disclosed with minimal redactions-SupWin; Determined disclosable2020-11-062021-03-09Determined disclosable
Sheriff84168LLate IDR response. Prohibited use of deliberative privilege, drafts, balancing test19143Pending Full SOTF2021-04-20Win 3-0 Records are public2020-01-042020-01-28Denied (no formal letter)
Sheriff84603LNo justifications for withholding20009Pending Full SOTF2021-04-20Win 3-0 Records are public
City Attorney72916LMore Herrera Calendars in ICS form, with metadata. These records appear to show modification timestamps after date of request.20014Pending Full SOTF2021-05-11Win 3-0 Records are public
City Attorney86480LMust provide a statement of quantity of Orders to Disclose. Must issue order against FAMSF.20030Pending Committee
Dept of Emergency Management84960LMust disclose full WhatsApp records, and original photo files with metadata20032Pending Committee2020-02-192020-12-11No determination in part; denied in part
Dept of Emergency Management84960LClaim of Gov Code 6254.19 exemption does not apply to physical security [DEM released most of the info.]20032Pending Committee2020-08-082020-12-11No determination in part; denied in part
Homelessness and Supportive Housing84187LLack of retention policy; Prop G calendars lack a general statement of issues discussed at meeting20036Pending Committee
Medical Examiner--Failure to maintain a compliant Prop G calendar20040Pending Full SOTF2020-12-15Win 3-0 Records are Public
Controller--Failure to maintain a compliant Prop G calendar20041Pending Full SOTF2020-12-15Win 3-0 Records are Public
Port--Failure to maintain a compliant Prop G calendar20042Pending Full SOTF2020-12-15Win 3-0 Records are Public
Public Health--Failure to maintain a compliant Prop G calendar20044Pending Full SOTF2020-12-15Win 3-0 Records are Public
Fire Department--Failure to maintain a compliant Prop G calendar20045Pending Full SOTF2020-01-19Win 3-0 Records are Public
Economic and Workforce Development--Failure to maintain a compliant Prop G calendar20046Pending Full SOTF2020-01-19Win 3-0 Records are Public
Elections--Failure to maintain a compliant Prop G calendar20047Pending Full SOTF2020-01-19Win 3-0 Records are Public
Public Defender--Failure to maintain a compliant Prop G calendar20048Pending Full SOTF2020-01-19Win 3-0 Records are Public
3 Agencies--Prop G calendars lack a general statement of issues discussed at meeting, places, and/or non-employee attendees20049
Pending Committee
Mayor87732LMayor's Office refuses to provide ICS calendars, SOTF decision in 19047 notwithstanding [Pending: consent agreement]20052Pending Committee
City Attorney86453LMust disclose Word and Excel files in original format20054Pending Committee
Public Health88878LCoronavirus / COVID-19 / SARS-CoV-2 IDR not responded to20059Govt Attempting to Delay RecordsPending Committee
Dept of Police Accountability83682LProp G calendars lack a general statement of issues discussed at meeting, places, and/or non-employee attendees20063Pending Committee
Police Commission87885LComms with Mayor/SFPD/DPA; Use of 10-days plus another two x 14-day extensions20064Pending Committee
City Attorney72056LCitation to prohibited catch-all exemption (Gov Code 6255) to refuse to follow SOTF Order 1904420070Pending Committee
City Attorney88549LSB 1421 & Becerra v Superior Court records20074Pending Full SOTF2020-12-22Win 3-0 Records are public2020-07-14none
Mayor81856LPayments surrounding the Mayor's pride parade float (resend)20075Pending Committee2020-06-052020-11-04Denied
Mayor81856LHidden quoted text and privileged material20075Pending Committee2020-11-04none
Jeff Kositsky94375LTexts with the Mayor and others20080Pending Committee2020-07-142020-12-21Closed, no responsive records
Controller88337LNuru investigation records of texts between city officials20081Pending Committee2020-06-192021-01-05Denied
Police Department88199LTexts with Mayor London Breed and others20083Pending Committee2020-07-052020-10-23Denied
Police Department88199LTexts with Mayor London Breed and others20083Pending Committee2020-10-292020-12-15Denied
Public Utilities Commission94992LHarlan Kelly Jr. texts with Walter Wong20084Pending Committee2020-07-142021-03-09Denied
Public Utilities Commission94992LHarlan Kelly Jr. texts with Walter Wong attachments, images, audio20084Pending Committee2021-02-222021-03-09Denied
Public Utilities Commission94992LHarlan Kelly Jr. texts with London Breed20084Pending Committee
City Attorney81227LMust issue order against SFPD after determining that portion of the records withheld were public.20104Pending Committee
Sheriff88551LSB 1421 & Becerra v Superior Court records20110Pending Full SOTF2020-12-22Win 3-0 Records are public2020-10-02none
Mayor82814LSean Elsbernd's calendars withholding negotiation information201112020-09-15none
City Attorney106278LSent2021-01-07
Medical Examiner103410LShooting of Cesar VargasSent2020-11-06none
Police Department103409LShooting of Cesar VargasSent2020-12-182020-01-15Denied
Human Resouces84500LRebecca Sherman resignation letterSent2020-10-062020-10-08Denied
Human Resouces84500LForged settlement agreementSent2020-10-082012-12-09Denied
City Attorney--Incomplete Prop G calendarsSent2020-11-27none
City Attorney--Feitelberg future calendarsSent2020-12-17none
City Attorney--Inaccurate Supervisors of Records reportSent